Hemp Straps for Weightlifting: The perfect alternative to leather straps

Good morning guys and gals. As requested by many of you guys over the past 2 years, we are bringing back our Hemp Straps!
It's crazy that we are a leather company and many of you guys have told us their favorite straps were the Hemp Straps. With that being said, I'm sure the majority of you prefer the leather, but all this tells me is that our Hemp Straps need to make a comeback.
So, we're back at it like a chiropractic crack addict.
We have some samples made with few slight modifications, each slightly different. Sample 1 would be a slightly shorter strap to see how people like a shorter length. Sample 2 would be a longer strap with a stitch line that keeps the straps together so that those who aren't use to this style of lifting strap would have an easier time using it. Sample 3 would be the same thing, but the stitch line would be slightly different.
What we are looking to find is what do smaller athletes prefer in our Hemp Straps compared to larger athletes. What I've learned over the last few years is that everyone likes something different and we can't satisfy everyone. We are not tacos. We can't make everyone happy.
So, for this week, we have our samples being tested at SoCal Weightlifting. There are over 200 weightlifters at the gym so it'll be a good population to survey.
Those who are local, please give it a test run. Swing by the gym, come see the shop and test these straps out yourself. We have the straps on the bar top counter by the platforms with a sheet you can fill out with your suggestions.
No set date as to when we will be releasing these yet, although 4/20 would be a great date actually. But we will see what happens.
Alright time to hop in the sauna. Hope you all have a great rest of the day.
Love you.